Students planning to major in statistics should have a strong interest in mathematics and some interest in computing. The department currently offers:
*Note that the information/catalogs below are the most recent catalog year and do not necessarily reflect your catalog year.
- Data Science B.S. – A combination of statistical methodology with computer science (programming, databases and algorithms).
*Note: Subject area electives are constantly being updated so please visit the latest catalog as it might differ from your degree audit. If it does and you plan on taking a course not on your degree audit please inform the undergraduate coordinator. - Statistics B.S. – Geared towards students planning to pursue graduate studies and hence is more rigorous in advanced mathematics.
- Statistics B.A. – Geared towards students pursuing a career in statistics and data analytics after graduation.
- A minimum of fifteen (15) credits exclusive to the chosen major are required. As such, students also majoring in Mathematics should not consider MAS 4115, STA 4321, STA 4322, STA 4210, COP 3530 as electives counting towards the mathematics program.
- For eligibility and application to add/change major students must contact CLAS Advising but are encouraged to talk to a departmental advisor for preliminary information and clarification.
- Actuarial Science – Preparing students in the field of study relating to the quantification of risk using math, probability and statistics.
- Statistics – A useful (data analytic) complement to any major.
- For eligibility and application to add a minor, visit
- A student majoring in Data Science or Statistics can also work toward a minor in Actuarial Science. A double major in Mathematics and Statistics is another attractive option (see an advisor).
Data Analytics – This certificate will provide students with the tools necessary to prepare data for analysis and use proper analytic tools. It will also equip them to understand the issues associated with the ethical use of data (e.g., personal health information) and potential biases in the generation, analysis, and use of data.
- For eligibility and application visit Students who do not adhere to requirements will not be awarded certificate when graduation report is run. “Please note only non Statistics and Data Science majors are eligible to apply.”
To check the status of your application click here. - The certificate requires at least 9 unique credits to that certificate or minor (UF catalog). As such, the certificate can be paired with:
- Statistics minor ONLY if STA 3180 is not used as part of the minor requirements.
- A.I. certificate ONLY if WST 3610 is used instead of PHI 3681, and the approved course is not part of the A.I. certificate.
- Subscribe to the mailing list DATA-ANALYTICS-CERT using the instructions found here.
Academic Advising
For general advising needs that do pertain specifically to the statistics department, students are encouraged to contact their college’s advising center. For the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Academic Advising Center visit
For inquires pertaining specifically to the department please contact the advisors listed in the right menu.
Undergraduate Advisors
Statistics and Data Science
Demetris Athienitis
Associate Instructional Professor
Undergraduate Coordinator
116B Griffin-Floyd Hall, P.O. Box 118545
Gainesville, FL 32611-8545
Email: athienit
Personal Webpage
Actuarial Science
David Lindberg
115B Griffin-Floyd Hall, P.O. Box 118545
Gainesville, FL 32611-8545
Email: dlindberg
Personal Webpage