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Combined Degree Program

General Description

The Combined Bachelors/Masters Degree Program is designed for superior students who have the ability to pursue an accelerated program in statistics leading to a Master of Statistics degree. The main feature of the program is that up to 15 semester hours of approved graduate level statistics courses may be used as dual credit for both the undergraduate and graduate degree.
The student must earn a B or better in any graduate level course to be used for dual credit; otherwise the course cannot be counted towards the masters degree. All other requirements for both the Bachelor’s degree and the Master’s degree must be met. Graduate students at the University of Florida are required to maintain a GPA of 3.0 or better.

Requirements for Admission to the Program

  • Overall GPA of 3.25 or better.
  • Completion of STA 4210, STA 4211, STA 4321 & STA 4322 by the end of the student’s junior year with a GPA of 3.60 or better in those four courses.
  • Completion of MAS 4105 with a grade of B or better.
  • Approval from both the Undergraduate and Graduate Coordinators in the Statistics Department.
  • The Combined Bachelors and Masters Degree Request form must be completed, signed by the department’s undergraduate and graduate coordinators, and submitted for approval to the Academic Advising Center of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

Admittance to Graduate School

The student is required to take the Graduate Record Examination and obtain admittance to The Graduate School by the end of their senior year. A letter of approval from the Undergraduate Coordinator should accompany the application for admission to The Graduate School. Upon admittance to The Graduate School, the student becomes eligible to apply for a teaching assistantship (TA) in the Statistics Department. If not admitted to The Graduate School, the student will not be permitted to continue in the Program.

Awarding of Degrees

Upon completion of all requirements for the Bachelor of Science or the Bachelor of Arts degree, such degree will be awarded the student by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. After the student has completed the requirements for the Master of Statistics degree (including the dual credit courses), such degree will be awarded the student by The Graduate School.

Further Information

Further information on combined degree programs at UF, including answers to frequently asked questions, is available from the UF Admissions Office’s Combined Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Programs page.

Sample Schedule for a Combined Degree Program

The sample program below is slightly conservative in that only 12 hours are used for dual credit, STA 6207-8 and STA 6326-7. This program assumes AP credit for MAC 2311. An example in which 15 hours are given dual credit might substitute a 6000-level statistics elective for one of the undergraduate statistics electives
Sample Schedule

Year Fall Spring
1 MAC 2312 or 3473 MAC 2313 or 3474
2 STA 4321 STA 4322
MAS 4105
3 STA 4210 STA 4211
STA 4000-level elective STA 4504
4 STA 6207 STA 6208
STA 6326 STA 6327
STA 6329 STA 6000-level elective
5 STA 6246 STA 6000-level elective
STA 6000-level elective STA 6000-level elective
STA 6000-level elective STA 6000-level elective