Letter from the Chair
Dear Friends of UF Statistics, I wanted to take this chance to update you all on the current happenings within our department. Though the pandemic seems unending, we have successfully […]
Dear Friends of UF Statistics, I wanted to take this chance to update you all on the current happenings within our department. Though the pandemic seems unending, we have successfully […]
A new collaboration between UF and Pfizer Inc. opens doors for students to explore the growing field of biostatistics.
Read more "Pfizer Teams Up with UF to Offer Graduate Scholarship in Statistics"
Juhyung Lee, PhD, joined the Department of Statistics at the University of Florida as lecturer in Fall 2021. Lee received his PhD and MS degrees in Statistics from the University […]
This April, we held our endowed lectures, the Challis Lectures. Professor Emannuel Candes from Stanford University was our invited guest speaker.
Read more "Professor Emannuel Candes from Stanford University speaks at the Challis Lectures"
This January we held our 2022 Statistics Winter Workshop on “Algorithm Fairness and Bias in AI” with the support of InfoTech Consulting, the UF Informatics Institute and the UF College of Liberal Arts and Science.
Read more "Statistics Annual Winter Workshop 2022: Algorithm Fairness and Bias in AI"
This program took students to the historical beginnings of the discipline of statistics in England. The discipline of statistics represents a number of different philosophies (e.g., Bayesian, frequentist) as well as heated debates between Fisher and Pearson in the early literature.
Read more "History of Statistics: A STEM-based Study Abroad Experience"
The ceremony of awarding the doctor honoris causa title of the University of economics in Katowice to Prof. Malay Ghosh – the global expert in the field of statistics, took place on the 14th of May. Despite the virtual form of the event, the ceremony did not lack its traditional elements and magnificent character.