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2014: Dimension Reduction and High Dimensional Inference

January 17-18, 2014

Invited Speakers

Andreas Buja, University of Pennsylvania
Florentina Bunea, Cornell University
Lisha Chen, Yale University
Dennis Cook, University of Minnesota
Bing Li, Pennsylvania State University
Lexin Li, North Carolina State University
Yanyuan Ma, Texas A&M University
Adam Rothman, University of Minnesota
Zhihua Su, University of Florida
Ming Yuan, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Harrison Huibin Zhou, Yale University


Zhihua Su (Chair), Hani Doss, and Malay Ghosh


National Science Foundation
Info Tech
UF Office of Research
UF College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
UF Department of Statistics

Workshop on Cognition and Control

This year UF’s CWorkshop Workshop is being held in the two days immediately preceding the Winter Workshop in Statistics.