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2002: An IMS Mini-Meeting on Imaging, Classification & Clustering

January 11-12, 2002

The Department of Statistics of the University of Florida will host its Fourth Annual Winter Workshop on January 11-12, 2002 in Gainesville, Florida. The workshop will focus on developments in classification and Clustering, and their applications.

2002 Conference Program (PDF)
Invited Speakers

Terrence Fine (Cornell U.)
Christopher Genovese (Carnegie Mellon U.)
Edward George (U. of Pennsylvania)
Peter Hall (Australia)
Mark Van Der Laan (UC Berkeley)
Nick Lange (Harvard U.)
Art Owen (Stanford U.)
Robert Paige (Texas Tech U.)
Dennis Pearl (Ohio State U.)
Anand Rangarajan (U. of Florida)
Christopher Small (U. of Waterloo)
Anuj Srivastiva (Florida State U.)
Mark Yang (U. of Florida)
Hongyu Zhao (Yale U.)


George Casella, Sam Wu, Jim Booth, Dave Wilson, Rongling Wu, Brett Presnell, Alan Hutson and Jim Kepner

Conference Photo