University of Florida Homepage

Emeritus Faculty

AgrestiAlan Agresti

Dates of Service: 1972-2010
Personal Webpage

Research Interests

  • Categorical Data Analysis
  • Generalized Linear Models
  • Social Statistics
  • Biostatistics


  • Fellow, American Statistical Association
  • Fellow, Institute of Mathematical Statistics
  • Honorary doctorate, De Montfort University (Leicester, U.K.), 1999
  • Statistician of the Year, Chicago chapter of American Statistical Association, 2003
  • Recipient of the first Herman Callaert Leadership Award in Statistical Education and Dissemination, Hasselt University, Belgium, 2004


  • B.A. University of Rochester, 1968
  • Ph.D. University of Wisconsin, 1972
  • Honorary Doctor of Science, De Montfort University (Leicester, U.K.), 1999

Other Information

The text Statistics: The Art and Science of Learning from Data (5th edition, 2021) written with Christine Franklin and Bernhard Klingenberg, is designed for a one-term or two-term course on an introduction to statistics presented with a conceptual approach. More information, including a link to the Table of Contents and sample chapters, is available at my personal home page. My text Categorical Data Analysis (third edition, 2012) is designed for a masters-level course on this topic. My personal home page, listed in the heading above contains a link to a website for the text that includes datasets, some solutions, and software information. An Introduction to Categorical Data Analysis (3rd edition, 2019) presents a nontechnical introduction to topics such as logistic regression and loglinear models. For files containing data sets from this text, go to my personal home page. Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences (5th edition 2018) is designed for a two-semester sequence in statistical methods. It begins with the basics of statistical description and inference, and the second half of the book concentrates on regression methods, including multiple regression, ANOVA and repeated measures ANOVA, analysis of covariance, logistic regression, and generalized linear models. For a file containing some of the large data sets from the text, go to my personal home page, which also has information about other books, including Foundations of Linear and Generalized Linear Models (2015) and Foundations of Statistics for Data Scientists, With R and Python (with Maria Kateri, 2022).


LittellRamon Littell

Dates of Service: 1970-2007

Research Interests

  • Mixed Linear Models
  • Repeated Measures

Honors and Professional Activities

  • Fellow, American Statistical Association, 1986
  • Distinguished Achievement Medal, Section on Statistics and Environment, ASA, 1994
  • Professorial Excellence Program Award, University of Florida, 1998
  • University of Florida Research Foundation Professor, University of Florida, 2000-2002
  • Distinguished Alumnus Award, Emporia State University, 2003

Selected Publications

  • Littell, R.C., Milliken, G.A., Stroup, W.W., Wolfinger, R.D. and Schabenberger, O. (2006), SAS for Mixed Models, 2nd ed., SAS Institute Inc, Cary NC
  • Littell, R.C., Stroup, W.W., and Freund, R.J. (2002). SAS for Linear Models, 4th ed., SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC.
  • Littell, R.C., Henry, P.R., and Ammerman, C.J. “Statistical Analysis of Repeated Measures Data Using SAS Procedures,” J. Animal Science, 76, 1998, 1216-1231.
  • Littell, R.C., Pendergast, J., and Natarajan, R., “Modelling Covariance Structure in the Analysis of Repeated Measures Data,” Statistics in Medicine, 19, 2000, 1793‑1819
  • Littell, R.C. “Analysis of Unbalanced Mixed Model Data: A Case Study Comparison of ANOVA versus REML/GLS,” Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 7, 2002, 472-490
  • Hartless, G., Booth, J.G., and Littell, R.C., “Local Influence of Predictors in Multiple Linear Regression,” Technometrics, 45, 2003, 326-332
  • Turner, R.E., Langkamp-Henken, B., Littell, R.C., Lukowski, M.J., Suarez, M.F., “Comparing Nutrient Intake from Food to the Estimated Average Requirements shows Middle- to Upper-income Pregnant Women Lack Iron and Possibly Magnesium,” J. of The American Dietetic Association, 103, 2003, 461-466
  • Kratzer, D.D., and Littell, R.C., “Appropriate Analyses to Compare Dose Responses of Two Methionine Sources,” J. Poultry Science, 2006, 947-954.


  • B.S. (1964) Emporia State University, Mathematics
  • M.S. (1966) Oklahoma State University, Mathematics
  • Ph.D. (1970) Oklahoma State University, Statistics


Brett Presnell

Research Interests

  • Analysis of Directional Data
  • Model Misspecification
  • Nonparametric Methods
  • Resampling Methods


  • Ph.D.(1989) Florida State University, Statistics
  • M.S. (1985) Florida State University, Statistics
  • M.S. (1981) Florida State University, Mathematics
  • B.A. (1980) Florida State University, Mathematics

Selected Publications

  • Presnell, B., Morrison, S. P., Littell, R. C., (1998), Projected Multivariate Linear Models for Directional Data, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 93(443), 1068-1077.
  • Hall, P., Presnell, B., (1999), Biased Bootstrap Methods for Reducing the Effects of Contamination, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology, 61(3), 661-680.
  • Osborne, M. R., Presnell, B., Turlach, B. A., (2000), On the Lasso and Its Dual, Journal of Computational and Graphical statistics, 9(2), 319-337.
  • Hall, P., Poskitt, D. S., Presnell, B., (2001), A Functional Data—Analytic Approach to Signal Discrimination, Technometrics, 43(1), 1-9.
  • Presnell, B., Boos, D. D., (2004), The IOS Test for Model Misspecification, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 99(465), 216-227.
  • Presnell, B., (2022), A Geometric Derivation of the Cantor Distribution, The American Statistician, 76(1), 73-77.

RandlesRonald Randles

Research Interests

  • Nonparametric Statistical Methods
  • Large Sample Distribution Theory

Selected Honors and Professional Activities

  • Fellow, American Statistical Association
  • Fellow, Institute of Mathematical Statistics
  • Elected Member, International Statistical Institute
  • Chair, Department of Statistics, University of Florida, 1989-2000
  • College Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Instruction
  • Paul Minton Award, Southern Regional Council on Statistics
  • Chair, Nonparametric Statistics Section, American Statistical Association, 2000 and 2008
  • Vice President of the American Statistical Association, 1993-95

Selected Publications

  • Multivariate Nonparametric Tests of Independence, Journal of the American Statistical Association (2005), 100, 916-925 (with S. Taskinen and H. Oja).
  • On Multivariate Signed Rank Tests, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics (2005), 17, 201-216 (with Z. Mahfoud).
  • Multivariate Nonparametric Tests, Statistical Science (2004), 19, 598-605 (with H. Oja).
  • A Practical Affine Equivariant Multivariate Median, Biometrika (2002), 89, 851-859 (with T. Hettmansperger).
  • Simpler, Affine Invariant, Multivariate Distribution-Free Sign Tests, Journal of the American Statistical Association (2000), 95, 1263-1268.


  • B.A. (1964) College of Wooster, Mathematics
  • M.S. (1966) Florida State University, Statistics
  • Ph.D. (1969) Florida State University, Statistics


Andrew Rosalsky

Research Interests

  • Probability theory; strong and weak limit theorems for sums of random variables; Banach space valued random elements


  • A.B. (1970) Indiana University, Mathematics
  • A.M. (1972) Indiana University, Mathematics
  • Ph.D. (1978) Rutgers University, Statistics


ScheafferRichard Scheaffer

Dates of Service: 1967-2003

Research Interests

  • Statistical Education
  • Sampling Theory and Practice


  • Fellow, American Statistical Association
  • Founder’s Award, American Statistical Association
  • Elected Member, International Statistical Institute


  • B.A. 1962 Lycoming College
  • M.A. 1964 Bucknell University
  • Ph.D. 1968 Florida State University