Catalog Number | Author(s) | Title | Publisher and Year |
[AS-ANAGNO-01] | Richard E. Anagnoson, J. Theodore;. Deloeon. | Statquest. | Duxbury, 1994. |
[AS-ANDERB-01] | Anderberg. | Cluster Analysis for Applications. | Academic Press, 1973. |
[AS-ANDREW-01] | Andrew, Morgan, Sonquist, and Klem. | Multiple Classification Analysis. | ISR, 1973. |
[AS-ANDREW-02] | D. F. Andrews and A. M. Herzberg. | Data: A Collection of Problems from Many Fields for the Student and Research Worker. | Springer-Verlag, 1984. |
[AS-ATCHLE-01] | Atchley, BryantBailer, and Mosteller. | Multivariate Statistical MethodsMedical Uses of Statistics. | Ross IncNEJM Books, 2nd edition, 19751992. |
[AS-BAILAR-01] | John C. Bailar (Ed.) and Frederick Mosteller (Ed.). | Medical Uses of Statistics. | NEJM Books, Boston, Massachusetts, 2nd edition, 1992. |
[AS-BANCRO-01] | Bancroft. | Topics in Intermediate Statistical Methods. | volume 1. Iowa State Univ, 1968. |
[AS-BANK-01] | Bank. | Principles of Quality Control. | Wiley, 1989. |
[AS-BARNET-01] | Barnett and Turkman. | Statistics for the Environment. | Wiley, 1993. |
[AS-BATES-01] | Bates and Watts. | Nonlinear Regression Analysis. | Wiley, 1988. |
[AS-BATSCH-01] | Batshelet. | Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Problems in Animal Orientation and Certain Biological Rhythms. | AIBS, 1965. |
[AS-BELSLE-01] | Belsley, Kuh, and Welsch. | Regression Diagnostics. | Wiley, 1980. |
[AS-BELSLE-02] | Belsley. | Conditioning Diagnostics: Collinearity and Weak Data in Regression. | Wiley, 1991. |
[AS-BENNET-01] | Bennett and Bowers. | An Introduction to Multivariate Techniques for Social and Behavioral Sciences. | MacMillan Press, 1976. |
[AS-BIEMER-01] | Biemer, Groves, Lyberg, Mathiowetz, and Sudman. | Measurement Errors in Surveys. | Wiley, 1991. |
[AS-BIRKES-01] | Birkes and Dodge. | Alternative Methods of Regression. | Wiley, 1993. |
[AS-BOLLEN-01] | Bollem. | Structural Equations with Latent Variables. | Wiley, 1989. |
[AS-BOWERM-01] | Bowerman and O'Connell. | Forecasting and Time Series. | Duxbury, 1979. |
[AS-BOWERM-02] | Bowerman and O'Connell. | Linear Statistical Models an Applied Approach. | PWS Kent, 1990. |
[AS-BOX-01] | Box, Hunter, and Hunter. | Statistics for Experimenters. | Wiley, 1978. |
[AS-BOX-02] | Box and Draper. | Evolution Operation. | Wiley, 1969. |
[AS-BOX-03] | Box, Hunter, and Hunter. | Statistics for Experiments. | Wiley, 1978. |
[AS-BOX-04] | Box and Draper. | Empirical Model-Building and Response Surfaces. | Wiley, 1987. |
[AS-BOX-05] | Box and Draper. | Evolutionary Operation. | Wiley, 1969. |
[AS-BRAUN-01] | Henry I. (Ed.) Braun. | The Collected Works of John W. Tukey: Multiple Comparisons. | volume VIII. Chapman & Hall, New York, 1994. |
[AS-BREIMA-01] | Breiman, Friedman, Olshen, and Stone. | Classification and Regression Trees. | Wadsworth, 1984. |
[AS-BROCKW-01] | Brockwell and Davis. | ITSM: An Interactive Time Series Modelling Package for the PC. | Springer Verlag, 1990. |
[AS-BROWN-01] | Brown. | Statistical Forecasting for Inventory Control. | McGraw Hill, 1959. |
[AS-BROWNL-01] | Brownlee. | Statistical Theory and Methodology-In Science & Engineering. | Wiley, 2nd edition, 1967. |
[AS-BRYANT-01] | Bryant and Atchley. | Multivariate Statistical Methods: With-Groups Covariation. | volume 2. Halsted Press, 1975. |
[AS-BUCKLA-01] | Buckland. | Statistical Assessment of the Life Characteristic. | Charles Griffin, 1964. |
[AS-CASTEL-01] | Vittorio Castellano. | Essays on Statistics - Vol. I. | volume 1. CISU, 1993. |
[AS-CASTEL-02] | Vittorio Castellano. | Essays on Statistics - Vol. II. | volume 2. CISU, 1992. |
[AS-CHAKRA-01] | Chakravarti, Laha, and Roy. | Handbook of Methods of Applied Statistics. | volume 1. Wiley, 1967. |
[AS-CHATTE-01] | Chatterjee and Hadi. | Sensitivity Analysis in Linear Regression. | Wiley, 1988. |
[AS-CHATTE-02] | Chatterjee and Price. | Regression Analysis by Example. | Wiley, 1991. |
[AS-CLARK-01] | Clark and Schkade. | Statistical Analysis for Administrative Decisions. | South-Western Pub Co, 2nd edition, 1974. |
[AS-CLEVE-01] | William S. Cleveland. | The Elements of Graphing Data. | Hobart Press, Summit, New Jersey, 1994. |
[AS-COCHRA-01] | Cochran. | Sampling Techniques. | Wiley, 2nd edition, 1977. |
[AS-COCHRA-02] | Cochran. | Sampling Techniques. | Wiley, 2nd edition, 1963. |
[AS-COCHRA-03] | Cochran and Cox. | Experimental Designs. | Wiley, 1957. |
[AS-COCHRA-04] | Cochran. | Sampling Techniques. | Wiley, 1977. |
[AS-COLLET-01] | Collet. | Modelling Binary Data. | Chapman and Hall, 1991. |
[AS-COLLET-02] | D. Collett. | Modelling Survival Data in Medical Research. | Texts in statistical science. Chapman & Hall, 1994. |
[AS-CONOVE-01] | Conover. | Practical Nonparametric Statistics. | Wiley, 1971. |
[AS-CONOVE-02] | Conover. | Practical Nonparametric Statistics. | Wiley, 1971. |
[AS-COOLEY-01] | Cooley and Lohnes. | Multivariate Procedures for the Behavorial Sciences. | Wiley, 1962. |
[AS-COOLEY-02] | Cooley and Lohnes. | Multivariate Procedures for the Behavorial Sciences. | Wiley, 1962. |
[AS-COX-01] | Cox. | A Handbook of Introductory Statistical Methods. | Wiley, 1987. |
[AS-COX-02] | Cox. | Planning of Experiments. | Wiley, 1958. |
[AS-CRYER-01] | Cryer. | Time Series Analysis. | PWS Kent, 1986. |
[AS-DANIEL-01] | Daniel. | Applied Nonparametric Statistics. | Duxbury Press, 2nd edition, 1990. |
[AS-DANIEL-02] | Daniel. | Applications of Statistics to Industrial Experimentation. | Wiley, 1976. |
[AS-DANIEL-03] | Daniel and Wood. | Fitting Equations to Data. | Wiley, 1980. |
[AS-DANIEL-04] | Daniel. | Biostatistics: A Foundation for Analysis in the Health Sciences. | Wiley, 1987. |
[AS-DAVIES-01] | Davies. | The Design and Analysis of Industrial Experiments. | Hafner Pub Co, 1954. |
[AS-DAVIES-02] | Davies. | Statistical Methods in Research and Production with Special Reference to the Chemical industry. | Oliver and Boyd Pub, 3rd edition, 1958. |
[AS-DECARL-01] | A. Decarli, B. J. Francis, R. Gilchrist, and G. U. H. Seeber. | Statistical Modelling: Proceedings of GLIM 89 and the 4th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling. volume 57 of Lecture Notes in Statistics | Springer-Verlag, 1989. |
[AS-DESU-01] | Desu and Raghavoroo. | Sample Size Methodology. | Academic Press, 1990. |
[AS-DRAPER-01] | Draper and Smith. | Applied Regression Analysis. | Wiley, 1966. |
[AS-DRAPER-02] | Draper and Smith. | Applied Regression Analysis. | Wiley, 1966. |
[AS-DRAPER-03] | N.R. Draper and H. Smith. | Applied Regression Analysis. | Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics. Wiley, 2 edition, 1981. |
[AS-EDWARD-01] | Edwards. | Applied Analysis of Variance in Behavorial Science. | Dekker, 1993. |
[AS-EDWARD-02] | Edwards. | Introduction to Graphical Modelling. | Springer, 1995. |
[AS-EVERIT-01] | Everitt and Hay. | Talking about Statistics: A Psychologist's Guide to Design and Analysis. | Wiley, 1992. |
[AS-EVERIT-02] | Everitt. | Cluster Analysis. | Wiley, 1993. |
[AS-FAHRME-01] | Ludwig Fahrmeir and Gerhard Tutz. | Multivariate Statistical Modelling Based on Generalized Linear Models. | Springer-Verlag, 2 edition, 2001. |
[AS-FINNEY-01] | Finney. | Probit Anaylsis. | Cambridge, 1964. |
[AS-FINNEY-02] | Finney. | Statistical Method in Biological Assay. | Charles Griffin, 2nd edition, 1964. |
[AS-FISHER-01] | Fisher and Belle. | Biostatistics: A Methodology for the Health Sciences. | Wiley, 1993. |
[AS-FLEISS-01] | Fleiss. | Statistical Methods for Rates and Proportions. | Wiley, 1981. |
[AS-FLEISS-02] | Fleiss. | The Design and Analysis of Clinical Experiments. | Wiley, 1986. |
[AS-FLEMIN-01] | Fleming and Harrington. | Counting Processes and Survival Analysis. | Wiley, 1991. |
[AS-FREEMA-01] | Freeman. | Applied Categorical Data Analysis. | Dekker, 1987. |
[AS-FREUND-01] | Freund. | Modern Elementary Statistics. | Prentice Hall, 3rd edition, 1967. |
[AS-FREUND-02] | Freund and Williams. | Elementary Business Statistics: The Modern Approach. | Prentice Hall, 2nd edition, 1972. |
[AS-FULLER-01] | Fuller. | Measurement Error Models. | Wiley, 1987. |
[AS-GANS-01] | Gans. | Data Fitting in the Chemical Sciences. | Wiley, 1992. |
[AS-GAVER-01] | Gaver and Thompson. | Programming and Probability Models in Operations Research. | Brooks Cole, 1973. |
[AS-GRANGE-01] | Granger and Hatanak. | Spectral Analysis of Economic Time Series. | Princeton, 1964. |
[AS-GRANT-01] | Grant and Leavenworth. | Statistical Quality Control. | McGraw Hill, 6th edition, 1988. |
[AS-GROVES-01] | Groves. | Telephone Survey Methodology. | Wiley, 1988. |
[AS-GROVES-02] | Groves. | Survey Errors and Survey Costs. | Wiley, 1989. |
[AS-HADLEY-01] | Hadley. | Introduction to Probability and Statistical Decision Theory. | Holden Day, 1967. |
[AS-HADLEY-02] | Hadley. | Introduction to Business Statistics. | Holden Day, 1968. |
[AS-HAMILT-01] | Hamilton. | Regression with Graphics: A Second Course in Applied Statistics. | Brooks and Cole, 1992. |
[AS-HAND-01] | D.J. Hand, F. Daly, A.D. Lunn, K.J. McConway, and E. Ostrowski. | A Handbook of Small Data Sets. | Chapman & Hall, 1994. |
[AS-HANSEN-01] | Hansen, Hurwitz, and Madow. | Sample Survey Methods and Theory. | volume 1. Wiley, 1966. |
[AS-HARREL-01] | F.E. Harrell. | Regression Modeling Strategies. | Springer, 2001. |
[AS-HARRIS-01] | Richard J. Harris. | A Primer of Multivariate Statistics. | Academic Press, Inc., 2nd edition, 1985. |
[AS-HEDAYA-01] | Hedayat and Sinha. | Design and Inference in Finite Population Sampling. | Wiley, 1991. |
[AS-HOAGLI-01] | Hoaglin, Mosteller, and Tukey. | Fundamentals of Exploratory Analysis of Varaince. | Wiley, 1991. |
[AS-HOAGLI-02] | Hoaglin, Mosteller, and Tukey. | Understanding Robust and Exploratory Data Analysis. | Wiley, 1983. |
[AS-HOCHBE-01] | Hochberg and Tamhane. | Multiple Comparison Procedures. | Wiley, 1987. |
[AS-HOEL-01] | Hoel and Jessen. | Basic Statistics for Business and Economics. | Wiley, 2nd edition, 1977. |
[AS-HOFFMA-01] | Hoffman. | Statistics for Medical Students. | Univ of Florida, 1961. |
[AS-HOLLAN-01] | Hollander and Wolfe. | Nonparametric Statistical Methods. | Wiley, 1973. |
[AS-HOLLAN-02] | M. Hollander and D.A. Wolfe. | Nonparametric Statistical Methods. | Wiley, 2 edition, 1999. |
[AS-HOSMER-01] | Hosmer. | Applied Logistic Regression. | Wiley, 1989. |
[AS-HOSMER-02] | D.W. Hosmer and S. Lemeshow. | Applied Survival Analysis: Regression Modeling of Time to Event Data. | Wiley, 1999. |
[AS-HOSSAC-01] | HOSSACK, Pollard, and Zehnwirth. | Introductory Statistics with Applications in General Insurance. | Cambridge Univ Press, 1983. |
[AS-HUNTSB-01] | Huntsberger. | Elements of Statistical Inference. | Bacon, Inc., 1961. |
[AS-ISHIKA-01] | Ishikawa. | What is Total Quality Control? The Japanese Way. | Prentice Hall, 1985. |
[AS-JACKSON-01] | Jackson. | A User's Guide to Principle Components. | Wiley, 1991. |
[AS-JACOBS-01] | Jacobson. | Introduction to Statistical Measures for the Social and Behavioral Sciences. | Dryden Press, 1976. |
[AS-JEWELL-01] | Jewell, Dietz, and Farewell. | AIDS Epidemiology: Methodological Issues. | Birkhauser, 1992. |
[AS-JOHNSO-01] | Johnson and Leone. | Statistics and Experimental Design. | volume 2. Wiley, 1964. |
[AS-JOHNSO-02] | Johnson and Leone. | Statistics and Experimental Design. | volume 1. Wiley, 1964. |
[AS-JONES-01] | B. Jones and M.G. Kenward. | Design and Analysis of Cross-Over Trials. | Chapman & Hall, 2 edition, 1989. |
[AS-KALBFL-01] | John D. Kalbfleisch and Ross L. Prentice. | The Statistical Analysis of Failure Time Data. | Wiley, 1980. |
[AS-KARMEL-01] | Karmel and Polasek. | Applied Statistics for Economists. | Pitman, 3rd edition, 1970. |
[AS-KASPRZ-01] | Kasprzyk, Duncan, Kalton, and Singh. | Panel Surveys. | Wiley, 1989. |
[AS-KAUFMA-01] | Kaufman and Rousseeuw. | Finding Groups in Data. | Wiley, 1990. |
[AS-KEMPTH-01] | Oscar Kempthorne. | The Design and Analysis of Experiments. | Wiley & Sons, 1952. |
[AS-KIRK-01] | Roger E. Kirk. | Experimental Design: Procedures for the Behavioral Sciences. | Brooks/Cole, 1995. |
[AS-KISH-01] | Kish. | Survey Sampling. | Wiley, 1965. |
[AS-KISH-03] | Leslie Kish. | Statistical Design for Research. | John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1987. |
[AS-KISH-04] | Leslie Kish. | Survey Sampling. | Wiley Classics Library. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1995. |
[AS-KLEINB-01] | Kleinbaum, Kupper, and Muller. | Applied Regression Analysis and Other Multivariate Methods. | Duxbury Press, 1988. |
[AS-KOHLER-01] | Kohler. | Statistics for Business and Economics. | Scott & Foresman, 1985. |
[AS-KOOSIS-01] | Koosis. | Statistics. | Wiley, 1972. |
[AS-KRAFT-01] | Kraft and Van Eeden. | A Nonparametric Introduction to Statistics. | Macmillan, 1968. |
[AS-KRAMER-01] | Kramer. | A First Course in Methods of Multivariate Analysis. | Virginia Poly Inst, 1972. |
[AS-LAWLES-01] | Lawless. | Statistical Models and Methods for Lifetime data. | Wiley, 1982. |
[AS-LEE-01] | Lee. | Statistical Methods for Survival Data Analysis. | Wiley, 1992. |
[AS-LINHAR-01] | Linhart and Zucchini. | Model Selection. | Wiley, 1986. |
[AS-MARUBI-01] | E. Marubini and M.G. Valsecchi. | Analysing Survival Data from Clinical Trials and Observational Studies. | Wiley, 1995. |
[AS-MASON-01] | Mason, Gunst, and Hess. | Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments. | Wiley, 1989. |
[AS-MATERN-01] | Bertil Matern. | Spatial Variation. volume 36 of Lecture Notes in Statistics | Springer-Verlag, 1986. |
[AS-MAXWEL-01] | Maxwell. | Analyzing Qualitative Data. | Methuen's Monog, 1961. |
[AS-MAXWEL-02] | Scott E. Maxwell and Harold D. Delaney. | Designing Experiments and Analyzing Data: A Model Comparison Perspective. | Wadsworth, 1989. |
[AS-MCCULL-01] | McCullagh and Nelder. | Generalized Linear Models. | Chapman and Hall, 1983. |
[AS-MCDONA-01] | L. McDonald, J. Lockwood, B. Manly, and J. Logan. | Estimation and Analysis of Insect Populations. volume 55 of Lecture Notes in Statistics | Springer-Verlag, 1989. |
[AS-MCLACH-01] | McLachlan. | Discriminant Analysis and Statistical Pattern Recognition. | Wiley, 1992. |
[AS-MEEKER-01] | Meeker. | Statistical Intervals: A Guide for Practitioners. | Wiley, 1991. |
[AS-MEIER-01] | Meier and Zund. | Statistical Methods in Analystical Chemistry. | Wiley, 1993. |
[AS-MITTAG-01] | H.-J. Mittag and H. Rinne. | Statistical Methods of Quality Assurance. | Chapman & Hall, London, 1993. |
[AS-MONTGO-03] | Montgomery. | Design and Analysis of Experiments. | Wiley, 1976. |
[AS-MONTGO-04] | Montgomery. | Introduction to Statistical Quality Control. | Wiley, 2nd edition, 1991. |
[AS-MORGAN-01] | Morgan. | Analysis of Quantal Response Data. | Chapman and Hall, 1992. |
[AS-MOSTEL-01] | Mosteller and Tukey. | Data Analysis and Regression. | Addison Wesley, 1977. |
[AS-NELSON-01] | Nelson. | Applied Life Data Analysis. | Wiley, 1982. |
[AS-NELSON-02] | Nelson. | Accelerated Testing. | Wiley, 1990. |
[AS-NELSON-03] | W.B. Nelson. | Recurrent Events Data Analysis for Product Repairs, Disease Recurrences, and Other Applications. | Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2003. |
[AS-NEWTON-01] | Newton. | Timeslab: A Time Series Analysis Laboratory. | Wadsorth, 1988. |
[AS-OSTLE-01] | Ostle. | Statistics in Research. | Iowa State Univ, 1969. |
[AS-PAGANO-01] | Pagano and Gauvreau. | Principles of Biostatistics. | Duxbury Press, 1993. |
[AS-PANKRA-01] | Pankratz. | Forecasting with Dynamic Regression Models. | Wiley, 1991. |
[AS-RAIFFA-01] | Raiffa. | Decision Analysis: Introductory Lectures on Choices under Uncertainty. | Addison-Wesley, 1968. |
[AS-RAJ-01] | Raj. | Sampling Theory. | McGraw Hill, 1968. |
[AS-ROBERT-01] | Roberts. | Mathematical Methods in Reliability Engineering. | McGraw Hill, 1964. |
[AS-ROSNER-01] | Rosner. | Fundamentals of Biostatistics. | Duxbury Press, 1982. |
[AS-ROSNER-02] | Rosner. | Fundamentals of Biostatistics. | Duxbury Press, 3rd edition, 1990. |
[AS-ROUSSE-01] | Rousseeuw and Leroy. | Robust Regression and Outlier Detection. | Wiley, 1987. |
[AS-RUBIN-01] | Rubin. | Multiple Imputation for Nonresponse in Surveys. | Wiley, 1987. |
[AS-SAMUEL-01] | Samuels. | Statistics for the Life Sciences. | Dellen Pub Co, 1989. |
[AS-SCHLAI-01] | Schlaifer. | Probability and Statistics for Business Decisions. | McGraw Hill, 1959. |
[AS-SEBER-01] | Seber. | Multivariate Observations. | Wiley, 1984. |
[AS-SEBER-02] | Seber. | Linear Regression Analysis. | Wiley, 1977. |
[AS-SIEGEL-01] | Siegel. | Statistics and Data Analysis an Introduction. | Wiley, 1988. |
[AS-SMITH-01] | Smith. | A Simplified Guide to Statistics for Psychology and Education. | Holt Rinehart, 3rd edition, 1964. |
[AS-SNEDEC-01] | Snedecor and Cochran. | Statistical Methods. | Iowa State Univ Press, 8th edition, 1989. |
[AS-SONQUI-01] | John A. Sonquist. | Multivariate Model Building: The Validation of a Search Strategy. | University of Michigan, 1970. |
[AS-SPRENT-01] | P. Sprent and N.C. Smeeton. | Applied Nonparametric Statistical Methods. | Chapman & Hall, 2 edition, 1993. |
[AS-TANUR-01] | Tanur, Mosteller, Kruskal, Link, Pieters, and Rising. | Statistics- A Guide to the Unknown. | Holden Day, 1972. |
[AS-TANUR-02] | Tanur, Mosteller, Kruskal, Link, Pieters, and Rising. | Statistics: A Guide to the Unknown. | Holden Day, 1972. |
[AS-TANUR-03] | Tanur, Mosteller, Kruskal, Link, Pieters, and Rising. | Statistics: A Guide to the Unknown. | Holden Day, 1972. |
[AS-TANUR-04] | Tanur, Mosteller, Kruskal, Link, Pieters, and Rising. | Statistics: A Guide to the Unknown. | Holden Day, 1972. |
[AS-THOMPS-01] | Thompson. | Sampling. | Wiley, 1992. |
[AS-TUKEY-01] | Tukey. | Exploratory Data Analysis. | Addison Wesley Pub, 1977. |
[AS-UNITED-01] | United Nations. | A Short Manual on Sampling: Elements of Sample Survey Theory. | volume 1. Department of Economic and Social Services, 1960. |
[AS-UNITED-02] | United Nations. | A Short Manual on Sampling: Computer Programs for Sample Designs. | Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 1960. |
[AS-VANDE-01] | Van de Geer. | Introduction to Multivariate Analysis for the Social Sciences. | Freeman, 1971. |
[AS-VANDE-02] | Van de Geer. | Introduction to Multivariate Analysis for the Social Sciences. | Freeman, 1971. |
[AS-WADSWO-01] | Wadsworth. | Modern Methods for Quality Control and Improvement. | Wiley, 1986. |
[AS-WEIBUL-01] | Weibull. | Fatigue Testing and Analysis of Results. | Pergaman Press, 1961. |
[AS-WEISBE-01] | Weisberg. | Applied Linear Regression. | Wiley, 1985. |
[AS-WINSTO-01] | Winston. | Operations Research Applications and Algorithms. | PWS Kent, 2nd edition, 1991. |
[AS-WINSTO-02] | Wayne L. Winston. | Operations Research: Applications and Algorithms. | Duxbury Press, 2nd edition, 1994. |
[AS-ZOLMAN-01] | Zolman. | Biostatistics: Experimental Design and Statistical Inference. | Oxford Univ Press, 1993. |
[CO-AITKIN-02] | Aitkin, Anderson, Francis, and Hinde. | Statistical Modelling in GLM. | Clarendom Press, 1989. |
[CO-ANSCOM-01] | Anscombe. | Computing in Statistical Science through APL. | Springer Verlag, 1981. |
[CO-BECKER-01] | Becker, Chambers, and Wilks. | The New S Language. | Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole, Pacific Grove, California, 1988. |
[CO-CHAMBE-02] | Chambers. | Programming with Data: A Guide to the S Language. | MathSoft, Seattle, 1998. |
[CO-DOORNI-01] | Jurgen A. Doornik, Gerrit Draisma, and Marius Ooms. | Introduction to Ox. | Timberlake Consultants, United Kingdom, 1998. |
[CO-DOORNI-02] | Jurgen A. Doornik, Gerrit Draisma, and Marius Ooms. | Introduction to Ox. | Timberlake Consultants, United Kingdom, 1998. |
[CO-DOORNI-03] | Jurgen A. Doornik. | Ox. | Timberlake Consultants, United Kingdom, 1998. |
[CO-DOORNI-04] | Jurgen A. Doornik. | Ox. | Timberlake Consultants, United Kingdom, 1998. |
[CO-GAYLOR-01] | Richard J. Gaylord, Samuel N. Kamin, and Paul R. Wellin. | An Introduction to Programming with Mathematica. | Springer, 2nd edition, 1996. |
[CO-SPLUS5-02] | SPLUS. | S-Plus 5: User's Guide. | MathSoft, Seattle, 1998. |
[CO-SPLUS5-03] | SPLUS. | S-Plus 5: Guide to Statistics. | MathSoft, Seattle, 1998. |
[CO-TIERNE-01] | Teirney. | Lisp Stat. | Wiley, 1990. |
[CO-WOLFRA-01] | Stephen Wolfram. | Mathematica: A System for Doing Mathematics by Computer. | Addison-Wesley, 1988. |
[FA-AGRESTI-01] | Alan Agresti. | Categorical Data Analysis. | Wiley, 1990. |
[FA-AGRESTI-02] | Alan Agresti. | Analysis of Ordinal Categorical Data. | Wiley, 1984. |
[FA-AGRESTI-03] | Alan Agresti. | An Introduction to Categorical Data Analysis. | Wiley, 1996. |
[FA-AGRESTI-04] | Alan Agresti. | Categorical Data Analysis. | Wiley, 1990. |
[FA-CASELL-01] | Christian P. Robert and George Casella. | Monte Carlo Statistical Methods. | Springer, 2 edition, 2004. |
[FA-CASELL-02] | George Casella and R.L. Berger. | Statistical inference. | Brooks/Cole Pub. Co., 1990. |
[FA-CORNEL-01] | Cornell. | Experiments with Mixtures. | Wiley, 2nd edition, 1990. |
[FA-CORNEL-02] | Cornell. | Experiments with Mixtures. | Wiley, 1990. |
[FA-GHOSH-01] | Malay Ghosh and Glen Meeden. | Bayesian Methods for Finite Population Sampling. | Chapman & Hall, London, 1997. |
[FA-GHOSH-02] | Malay Ghosh, Nitis Mukhopadhyay, and Pranab K. Sen. | Sequential Estimation. | Wiley, New York, 1997. |
[FA-KHURI-01] | Khuri. | Advanced Calculus with Applications in Statistics. | Wiley, 1993. |
[FA-KHURI-02] | Khuri and Cornell. | Response Surfaces, Designs and Analyses. | Dekker, 2nd edition, 1996. |
[FA-KHURI-03] | André I. Khuri. | Advanced Calculus with Applications in Statistics. | Wiley, 2nd edition, 2003. |
[FA-MARKS-01] | Ronald G. Marks. | Designing a Research Project. | Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York, 1982. |
[FA-MARKS-02] | Ronald G. Marks. | Designing a Research Project. | Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York, 1982. |
[FA-MENDEN-01] | Mendenhall, McClave, and Ramey. | Statistics for Psychology. | Duxbury Press, 1977. |
[FA-MENDEN-02] | Mendenhall. | A Course in Business Statistics. | PWS Kent, 1988. |
[FA-MENDEN-03] | Mendenhall and Reinmuth. | Statistics for Management and Economics. | Duxbury, 1971. |
[FA-MENDEN-04] | Mendenhall and Reinmuth. | Statistics for Management and Economics. | Duxbury, 1971. |
[FA-MENDEN-05] | Mendenhall and McClave. | A Second Course in Business Statistics: Regression Analysis. | Dellen Pub Co, 1981. |
[FA-MENDEN-06] | Mendenhall and Ott. | Understanding Statistics. | Duxbury Press, 1972. |
[FA-MENDEN-07] | Mendenhall and Reinmuth. | Study Guide: Statistics for Management and Economics. | Duxbury, 3rd edition, 1978. |
[FA-MENDEN-08] | Mendenhall, Reinmuth, and Beaver. | Statistics for Management and Economics. | Duxbury Press, 7th edition, 1993. |
[FA-MENDEN-09] | Mendenhall and Beaver. | A Course in Business Statistics. | PWS Kent, 1992. |
[FA-MENDEN-10] | Mendenhall. | Beginning Statistics A to Z. | Duxbury Press, 1993. |
[FA-MENDEN-11] | Mendenhall and Beaver. | Introduction to Probability and Statistics. | PWS Kent, 1991. |
[FA-MENDEN-12] | Mendenhall, Wackerly, and Scheaffer. | Mathematical Statistics with Applications. | Duxbury Press, 4th edition, 1990. |
[FA-OTT-01] | Ott, Mendenhall, and Larson. | Statistics: A Tool for the Social Science. | Duxbury, 2nd edition, 1978. |
[FA-OTT-02] | Ott, Mendenhall, and Larson. | Statistics: A Tool for the Social Science. | Duxbury, 5th edition, 1978. |
[FA-OTT-03] | Ott and Mendenhall. | Understanding Statistics. | PWS Kent, 5th edition, 1990. |
[FA-RANDLE-01] | Randles and Wolfe. | Introduction to the Theory of Nonparametric Statistics. | Wiley, 1979. |
[FA-RAO-01] | P. V. Rao. | Research Methods in the Life Sciences. | Duxbury Press, 1998. |
[FA-RAO-02] | P. V. Rao and Mary Sue Younger. | SAS Companion for Statistical Research Methods in the Life Sciences. | Duxbury Press, 1998. |
[FA-SCHEAF-01] | Scheaffer and McClave. | Probability and Statistics for Engineers. | Duxbury Press, 1990. |
[FA-SCHEAF-02] | Scheaffer, Mendenhall, and Ott. | Elementary Survey Sampling. | Duxbury Press, 4th edition, 1990. |
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